Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Island of the Misfits Polka-dot Printables

Here are a few odd backgrounds. Right click, save image and enjoy!

Grey Polka Dot Backgrounds

Here are just some backgrounds. Right click and save image.

Chevron Backgrounds

Here is another try at free backgrounds. I like putting a white space for a text block, but I think I'll just do plain backdrops next. Remember to just right click and save image. Enjoy!

Even More Free Printables

Just right click to save these cute images to your computer and use as backgrounds. Thanks!

More Free Background Printables

Here are some more free backgrounds...Enjoy! Right click and save image. Then use in PowerPoint or wherever you create!

Free Polkadot Backgrounds

I made these in PowerPoint then converted them into a PDF. I wish I could upload them as such, but no worries. Just right click to save image to your computer.

My First Printables

I made these with PowerPoint and then converted them into a pdf, but I just can't seem to get them uploaded as downloadable printables. So if you want them just right click and save image.....Maybe I will figure out how to load them as a file. I've watched all sorts of videos and made several attempts to no avail. If anyone knows a sure proof way to do; please comment.